miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2014

Review on Past Tense

Hello there again!!

The assignment for the upcoming Tuesday will consist of reading the following passage and answering some questions.

Here you go!

Sick on Saturday

I have just had a terrible weekend! On Saturday I was so tired that I slept all morning. When I woke up I had a headache and my throat was sore. My body ached all over. My nose ran and I coughed a lot. My mother took my temperature but I did not have a fever.
My mother made me some soup for lunch and I ate it in bed. Idrank some juice. I tried to read a book but I couldn’t keep my eyes open. I lay in bed all afternoon. I drifted in and out of sleep. I drank more juice. I felt miserable all afternoon. I didn’t want to do anything.
I got out of bed at dinner time. My parents ordered pizza for dinner and I was able to eat some of it. I drank more juice! I felt a bit better after dinner so I stayed up. I snuggled under a blanket on the couch and watched some TV with my parents. I fell asleep in front of the TV.
The next morning I felt better but now my mother had a cold! She looked miserable. It was her turn to be sick.  


1. In your very own words say: what happened to the person who is telling the story (mention tha kind of sickness and some details related to it)?

2. Why do you believe he/she had a headache?

3. Why do you believe he/she didn't have have a fever?

4. When was the last time you got sick? What symptoms did you have?

5. How did you recover from your sickness?

As you know, the deadline is Tuesday, March 4th at 4:00 pm. Try to answer the questions in the corresponding order. For questions 4 and 5, you can create a separate paragraph.

Remember!!! if any questions, do not hesitare to get in contact with me.
Good luck and best regards,


9 comentarios:

  1. 1. according to history, he was feeling symptoms of flu, this happened since Saturday morning after waking up with a sore head and throat followed by pain throughout the body. he try to read but the only thing he could do was stand and take several liquids like soup and juice for lunch . as time passes and the next morning he started to feel better.

    2 . the story told by the person, describe your symptoms and claims to have had a headache after the morning of Saturday.

    3. according to symptoms, he claimed to have the pain, but her mother took the temperature and second that he had no fever.

    second paragraph:

    sickened me not long ago , these flu symptoms were caused by a virus that resided
    lately in my country most of my friends were sick and I think by spreading
    them . The last time I was sick two months ago when i ate a salmon on a
    sushi restaurant apparently was contaminated , i was intoxicated , I began to feel dizzy, stomach pain , fever and headache . The next day i came to the doctor to prescribe me
    a drug , the doctor gave me a couple of medications for me to consume after
    each meal , so after to lunch, I take medicine that the Doctor had me
    and I slept , slept all afternoon and evening and when I woke up I felt better
    I decided to go and sleep and the next morning i was almost healed.

    5 . the last time he had been ill had been two months ago , when they ate contaminated salmon , their symptoms were headache , stomach pain , dizziness and fever.

    6 . he went to the doctor so the doctor prescribed medicines to heal after lunch and rest that the following day recovered.

  2. Questions:

    1. In your very own words say: what happened to the person who is telling the story (mention tha kind of sickness and some details related to it)?

    RTA: According to the history the youth counts that I/you/he/she felt sick, with headache, uneasiness and cough but you/he/she doesn't cause fever. This causes that it was the whole day in the bed and in each moment to be taking liquids indicating that taenia influenza.

    2. Why do you believe he/she had a headache?
    RTA: He had a headache because this is part of the symptoms of the flu for which he felt bad

    3. Why do you believe he/she didn't have have a fever?
    RTA: I think it's had no fever at all times because he was taking a lot of liquid and do not let this person and avoid weakening fever

    4. When was the last time you got sick? What symptoms did you have?

    RTA: A long time ago not sick me but what I remember from last time is that I had an upset throughout the body, had irritated nose and sneezing frequently and in the same manner was very congested which indicated that it was a cold and not else sick of me

    5. How did you recover from your sickness?
    RTA: To recover from the disease was very warm and consumed many hot liquids and try to eat well and have good source of vitamins so that this does not advance much more


  3. 1. In your very own words say: what happened to the person who is telling the story (mention tha kind of sickness and some details related to it)?
    He had a cold on Saturday and has as a development that day, what was his food and drink also.

    2. Why do you believe he/she had a headache?
    because he can not read the book

    3. Why do you believe he/she didn't have have a fever?
    His MOM took his temperature and was not too high

    4. When was the last time you got sick? What symptoms did you have?
    He became ill 2 days ago, ill be general, headache.

    5. How did you recover from your sickness?
    He took juice and ate pizza, then she lay down on the couch, the morning following (Sunday) was already better.

    1. 1-)He have a several "gripa", he"s congestion gives and he haven"t high temperaturea and he have a critical cough
      2-) he have a urgencial congestion and the bacterias produced this symptoms
      3-) Because he dont have "gripa" yet .that are a symptoms
      4-) the last time that i"m sick waht 3 mosnths ago and my symptoms are stomach cache
      5-) i dont have any sick by this I dont have a symptoms

  4. 1.R\\ the person woke with discomfort, had the symptoms of a common cold such as headache, sore throat, and had no appetite
    2.R\\ head, hurts by malaise, the low defenses of the body occasions headache and lack of energy
    3.R\\ Flu low the body's defenses leading to ailments such as headaches and lack of energy, not causing fever.
    4.R\\ The last time was in December 2013, cough, sore throat and fatigue.
    5.R\\ me recovery, avoiding cold, my mom treats me and if it is very serious, I turn to pasta

  5. 1.He had a terrible weekend because he got sick and sad in those days.
    2/he had a headache becuase he was very tired the last day and he didn't take a rest.
    3.because he wasn't too sick,
    4./The last time that I was sick, I was so tired and sad because is too terrible stay in bed all the day, I couldn't ate any solid food so I just couldn ate soup and drank water.
    5./my mom helped me, she made soup and juice for I got better.

  6. 1. He was tie, had headache, and ached his throat, all his body was sore. He coughers a lot and his nose ran.
    2. Because that is a symptoms of the cold.
    3. Because when someone is sick reacts of different ways and in this case he didn’t have fever.
    4. The last time I got sick was a food poisoning in vacations I was vomiting and have stomach pain.
    5. I recover with rest and much hydration also some medicament.


  7. 1. In your very own words say: what happened to the person who is telling the story (mention tha kind of sickness and some details related to it)?

    R/ He fished a species of common cold and this was a passenger …

    2. Why do you believe he/she had a headache?

    R/ The headache was provoked by the cold since it is one of the symptoms of this problem.

    3. Why do you believe he/she didn't have have a fever?

    R/ The adults and the major children with cooled generally have a low fever or do not have fever, in this case the two did not have fever to the being major of age in the history ages are not mentioned so it is for deduction, in this case it was a common cold.

    4. When was the last time you got sick? What symptoms did you have?

    R/ Really I don't remember when it was the last time that falls ill me...

    5. How did you recover from your sickness?

    R/ I cannot answer with certainty, but if it should manage to happen it would take medicines.

  8. 1. He had a flu, he was so tired, slept all the morning and wokes up with a headache, also his body ached all over.
    2.Because one of the symptoms of the flu is the headache.
    3. Maybe because he is not vulnerbale to suffer fever when he has flu.
    4. The last time that i was sick, was in june of the last year, I had an intense headache and it results in a migraine.
    5. I recover from my sickness with a injection on my butt and with a lot of rest.
